Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Further along the road to serfdom

I was asked today, what I thought of Bobby Jindal's response to the recent Presidential Address to Congress and all the other bloodsuckers in Washington. Yes, what little we heard, he sounded like a wimp. And he kind of is a wimp. A double whammy: a wonk and a wimp. We need, and I almost hate to say this, but Newt Gingrich. I think a Newt Gingrich/Steve Forbes ticket would send all these damn bureaucrat, bleeding heart liberals and redistributionists packing - too bad the damage will have been done, perhaps irrevocably. The banks are dead, the auto industry is dead, manufacturing is at its knees and the government is thriving. Why do business enterprises continue to acquiesce to being the tax collection agents for this mafia? You think any of this makes sense?? And still we are fighting the zionist cause with those US tax dollars - which look more and more like tribute money to King Obama every day. The Oracle of Delphi (Automotive) is a harbinger for GM/Ford/Cerebrus and the UAW. Just watch the UAW's "plight" as the big three resort to bankruptcy (its a matter of time now), and the Court's ruling to allow Delphi to unilaterally abandon health care for retirees serves up another "victory" for the big government politburo/Clintonistas - this one on a silver platter as the government "rescues" big labor's retirees by offering them and much of the rest of America the first installment of universal health coverage. I wish I couldn't see all this coming, but the narrative is just too well scripted. Meantime, the folks who have built enterprises and managed through all the risk have long since had their health care coverage stripped (2006 Chrysler bags salaried retiree health care; GM has done same; Ford working out a deal), these are the folks who have been taxed into submission, are still paying their mortgages and will face the likely prospect of marginal rates in the 75% range again to pay for all this. This doesn't even begin to address the inter-generational penalty being slapped on kids who are ethereally self-absorbed in the digital domain, playing mind-numbing DSes and watching little blips on handhelds as the trillions of borrowed dollars mount. Jindal is timid little whisper in a faint corner of America that has yet to regain credibility with the US. When Jindal mentioned the word "Katrina" - even though he was making a good point - i.e. the government is not the answer, even more boldly, he essentially said, be skeptical of the government's promise - he conjured up the notion that we Louisianians are "asking for it" by living at or below sea level, that our government is more dishonest and inneffectual than the norm, and that we've already had our bailout. Jindal had one chance to break out of that mold and he is now doomed to be a victim and a wimp who is not capable of leading the nation. Sarah Palin should stick to Alaska politics. WHO WILL LEAD the cause of common sense?....ARGHHH!! It is SO frustrating.